Monday, February 16, 2009

Hickling Blanchard or Mary of Nazareth Prophet of Peace

Hickling/Blanchard: Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor Vehicle Accident Therapy Guide

Author: Edward J Hickling

Motor vehicle accidents account for over 3 million injuries annually and are one of the most common traumas individuals experience. But the physical injuries are often less impactful in the long run than the severe emotional distress, flashbacks, and substantial impairment in work or family life. Studies of the general population have found that approximately 9% of people who survivor an accident develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. And yet, few people seek treatment immediately, mostly because they are not aware of the nature of their condition or that successful brief treatments are available.
Written by the creators of an empirically supported cognitive-behavioral therapy program developed at The Center for Stress and Anxiety Disorders in Albany, this therapist guide includes all the information and materials necessary to implement a successful program for treating accident-related PTSD. The therapeutic technique described in this book is research-based with a proven success rate.
The renowned authors provide clinicians with step-by-step instructions for teaching their clients important skills that have been scientifically tested and shown to be effective in treating emotional trauma caused by involvement in a car accident. Designed to be used in conjunction with its corresponding workbook, this therapist guide outlines a treatment program that includes cognitive restructuring, relaxation techniques, and exposure exercises.
User-friendly and comprehensive, Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor-Vehicle Accident, Therapist Guide is a resource that no clinician can do without.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: Nicholas Greco IV, M.S., BCETS, CATSM, CCRA(College of Lake County)
Description: This is the therapist guide to a two-part set which is focused on a cognitive-behavioral treatment program for clients who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. This is the latest installment of a series of books on such topics as GAD and ADHD. The books in this series all involve evidence-based treatment for PTSD and incorporate the latest research in the field.
Purpose: The purpose of this book and the set is to provide an evidence-based treatment program for PTSD as a result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA). The authors provide a structured guide to address the unmet needs of those who do not fully recover without professional treatment. The goal of this book is to share a treatment approach that is the product of more than 15 years of working with MVA survivors. Given the fact that MVAs are the leading cause of PTSD in the general population, this book is much needed and meets not only the authors', but also the readers' objectives.
Audience: This book is geared for clinicians who are well versed in cognitive-behavioral therapy and working with survivors of motor vehicle accidents. Of note, the client should be ready to enter into this treatment plan which is supplemented with a separate client workbook. The authors and researchers involved in this program are unquestionably experts in the field.
Features: As all of the books in this series, this program is well thought out. The therapist guide allows for the therapist to give the client verbal information while the workbook acts to substantiate the verbal in theform of written exercises with an emphasis on key problem areas such as fear and to incorporate relaxation training. This is a ten-session course that begins with the client's understanding of PTSD, working through negative self-talk, relaxation, numbing, and a final termination session. This is a self contained program that is well detailed and described in the therapist's guide.
Assessment: This is truly a masterpiece for the field of mental health and more specifically for those working with survivors of motor vehicle accidents.

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Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace

Author: John Dear

Walk through the events in Mary's life and find her powerful message of peace and nonviolence. Experience the power of her prayer and the prophetic model of her life. Of course, this is not a book about Mary alone. It is a book about us, a challenge to live a life of nonviolence, a summons to proclaim to a world filled with violence that we stand for something entirely different. It is a call for us to live a life steeped in prayer. Enhanced by William Hart McNichols' evocative icons, Mary of Nazareth, Prophet of Peace is a book that is eternal in its message and timely in its urgency.

Table of Contents:
I.The Annunciation: Mary and Contemplative Nonviolence22
1The Prayer of Peace25
2The Encounter with God35
3Behold the Servant of the God of Peace43
II.The Visitation: Mary and Active Nonviolence56
1Love Your Neighbor59
2The Words of Peace69
3Beatitudes of Peace77
III.The Magnificat: Mary and Prophetic Nonviolence84
1My Spirit Rejoices: God's Revolution Has Begun87
2God's Nonviolence at Work in the World97
3The Mighty From Their Thrones, the Hungry Fed and Full107

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